I was so happy to come back from Vancouver to see that my Perfect Sketchbook (PS) had arrived!! T supported the Indiegogo for me as a Christmas gift (so Christmas in April, Huzzah!!!) and the books are just gorgeous. They are made with cold-pressed, 200 GSM Fabriano Artistico® watercolor paper, so the book is made for heavy washes.
Watercolor, pen & ink 6.9 x 9.8 inches on110 lbs paper
I did not know what to draw/paint/sketch as the first picture in my PS, so I fell back to an old favorite. . .my neighbor's tree. This must be the 8th or 9th drawing of this tree I have done in the past few years.
The book handles the multiple washes well and allowed me to layer colors. I started the ink drawing with a dip nib (Nikko G) and after the ink dried laid down the colors. The paper was robust enough to go over the dried paints with another pen to enhance the line work. All in all, my first experience was very pleasant and I cannot wait until I get some time to really play with the PS.
Enjoy your beautiful sketchbook! I can appreciate your enthusiasm, as I have a fascination with paper -- ever since J-school, long, long ago... back when paper and printing methods were of greater import. Learning how papers are made amazed me (they have a grain!). In my PR work, it was always a fun exercise selecting paper for different types of publications -- so many to choose from, and each with a purpose and personality. Well, enough about me. I hope your heavy, cold-pressed paper serves you and your colors well.